Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bye Bye Old House (video)

So that' it.  We sold the house and we handed the keys over to the new owners today.  We did a once over (fast video) of the Earles Street house just for memories sake, as the Wong family did live there for 19 years.

Nothing interesting about this video, just to keep some memories.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Not in Crib but Probably Should Be

A normal Jas moment.  I checked up on Jas after she went to bed and this is what I found.  She was in her bed completely side ways.  Funnily enough, she slept the same way when she was an infant in a crib.  Has she really grown up???

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Where is she? 9-1-1 Again?

I woke up this morning, hearing Jas babbling outside. She doesn't usually wake up earlier than I do but today she did. She was talking to someone. Weird. I got up, went into her room and she wasn't in bed. I walked to the living room and I see her lying on the couch. She was holding a blackberry, an actual blackberry that works but isn't activated.  

I told Jas to go back into her room. She walked into her room while I went into the kitchen for some water. I can hear Jas babbling again so I went into her room and she wasn't in bed. This time, she was hiding in the closet. Again, holding the blackberry. I told her to get into bed and she did.

I started brushing my teeth. I can hear Jas babbling again. But this time, I can also hear some one else talking. What is going on? I walk into the hallway and Jas starts mumbling " I'm sorry Mommy, I'm sorry." I can hear a man talking in the blackberry. I grab the blackberry and the man says, "Hello, this is 9-1-1 operator. Do you need any assistance?" Eeek. Jas had dialed 9-1-1!

I apologized and told the operator that everything is ok, then hung up. By this time, Jas was sitting in the kitchen table, crying. I didn't have to say anything as she already knew she did something wrong. Too bad I had to leave the house right away so I left it to Dad to give Jas a pep talk. Apparently, I found out afterwards that the daycare had a fire drill a few days before and they taught all the kids the emergency phone number.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preschool Graduation Class 2012 (video)

This took place on June 15, 2012 but I haven't had time to convert the video until now.  I will back date this posting.

It was an exciting day today. Dear little Jas is graduating from preschool! Can you believe it? My daughter... graduation... Sounds odd for a 4-year old but I guess they have to move up to a bigger school some time.

The teachers invited the parents to a potluck lunch and then the formal graduation ceremony afterwards. It was like the real deal, with the music, hat, standing on stage and getting a certificate. Very fun to watch (see video).  It was a proud moment for me.  

Congratulations, from Mommy and Daddy. We love you so much.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fever Finally Over

Julia's temperature finally went down today. She seems to be running around normally and eating better today. What a relief!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Young One has Fever

Julia's been sick all day yesterday and today, having a fever up to 40.3 deg C last night.   We tried to cool her down by putting wet towels all over her body.  She also had diarrhea so we bought some pedialite thinking that she'd like the grape flavored drink. She drank about 3ml of it and decided she didn't like it. Great - $$ down the drain. We gave her Tylenol every 4 hours. We fed her a bottle of milk and 1 minute later, she threw up everything. She barely ate dinner or drank anything. 

Poor Jules, very irritable and unhappy. She clings to me, wanting to be carried all time (bad for my back). Let's see if tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Night Wakings

For whatever reason, Julia woke 4 times last night. She screamed and then went back to sleep as soon as I rub her back. She hasn't done this in a while so hoping it's just a phase.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Little Cousin Visits Again

Yee Mah, Yee Jerng and little Kyle came for a visit today. They came to see the new house (actually only Yee Jerng is seeing it for the first time). It was a short visit but fun. Kyle really liked playing with all of our toys. We wish that he was a little bigger so that we can chase him around (he's growing so fast). Maybe next time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kid Boo Boos

After moving into our new home, the kiddies are still getting used to everything.  Here are a couple of incidents that happened already:

Julia was playing in the foyer area and she climbed on the first step of the staircase.  She stood there for the longest time and then all of a sudden, she stepped off it.  It looked like she walked off a plank... fell flat into the floor, face first.  Loud crying.  I guess she didn't realize she was a bit higher up than the floor.  Poor girl.

There is a shoe rack cabinet in the foyer area and the door opens via a pulling the center handle.  Jas was playing with the door, open and close, open and close.  I told her that she will pinch her fingers if she keeps on playing with it.  And ta-da!  She closed the door on herself!  Loud crying.

These girls.  When will they learn from the old and wise?