Monday, April 16, 2012

Slept til Morning -

It's been an entire week of Julia waking in the middle of the night. She actually slept through til 7am this morning! Yay!  I sure hope this keeps up.

On a different note, as we all know, Julia loves eating. She can eat and eat and eat... and not know when to stop. This happened to her this evening. She ate her dinner, then when Jas was having her bedtime snack, Julia ate some crackers as well. Then some juice, then a bottle of milk. And then the big explosion... she threw up all over the couch. She did give us an indication beforehand though - by pointing at her belly and wanting to take her diaper off. I guess her belly wasn't feeling great.  At least she feels better before going to bed.


Karen said...

B is the same way. He sees M eating something and wants it too, even though he has two bowls of rice already. And then milk. And then the explosion.

Honey Didi Loving Family said...

I hope Julia is back to normal sleep now. I REALLY know what sleep deprived means :)

leungv999 said...

I love it when the kids imitate what the adults do. If only we can trick them into eating veggies...

leungv999 said...

More sleep for Mommy means happy Mommy!