Monday, April 9, 2012

More Bad Sleep

Another bad night. Julia was awake from 2am-3:30pm. 1.5 hours seems to be her sleepy mark. Sigh. I wonder what is keeping her up? Nightmares? Does she miss Mommy too much?  Is she teething... again?


Karen said...

This week has been bad sleep with B. He is recovering from a bad virus that he picked up from daycare and gave to the rest of the family.
Both S and I are sick. M is home sick today too, and B is now back at daycare.
He has figured out the door knob and now comes running into our bedroom screaming. Sigh. This is not helping us get rest to recover.

leungv999 said...

Oh no! I hope the family gets better soon. Too bad little B keeps on getting everyone sick!