Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pork instead of Chicken

Julia's eczema is still very, very bad. It seems like it is never going to get better. Her chin is raw all the time. It heals a bit and then it gets itchy so Julia grabs her sleep sack and rubs all the skin off again. What a vicious cycle.

Today, we will start offering pork instead of chicken, to see if this will change anything. I have a feeling Julia may be sensitive to the chicken. Let see how this goes.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pee accident

This afternoon, we went to the mall and didn't make it home in time for Julia's afternoon nap. We left Julia sleeping in her carseat with the car parked inside the garage. After she woke from her nap, we fed her milk, at the usual time (around 4pm). We usually feed her the milk first and then put her down for her nap.

Well, because we messed up her nap schedule, she had to drink milk, eat dinner and drink milk again within a 4 hour span of time (which is alot of stuff to intake).

We gave Julia her bath around 7pm, her usual bath time. But today, she gave me a nice wet present... she pee'd on me....non-stop for like 2 minutes, after we took her out of the bathtub. I was thinking to myself, when is she going to stop? Man, she can pee alot.

Thanks Julia. I really wanted to mop the floor, clean the couch and bathe you again all on the same night. Next time, just pee in the tub!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Julia is Walking! (video)

Julia finally started walking today - Yay! Julia is a much steadier walker compared with Jasmine although she took an extra 2 months to reach this milestone (Jasmine walked at 13 months while Julia walked at 15 months).

She actually walked a few steps here and a few steps there a couple of weeks ago, but we wanted a video that showed her walking more than that. Here it is:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bad Face Rash - Move to Organic Milk

Julia has had a face rash for the past couple of weeks. Even with hydrocortizone cream, the rash is not going away. We've been cutting out foods that we thought were causing the rash and noting down everything she eats every day. Today, we are moving towards only giving her organic milk, instead of regular homo milk to see if it helps. We are also only giving Julia chicken and broccoli for solids. Nothing else but she can eat as much as she likes. Let's see if we can find the culprit.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kesler Birthday party

Today we celebrated Kesler's first birthday at the Kerrisdale Play Place. Wow, this place was awesome. There were bouncy castles, different slides, an area for riding cars/bikes. It was a perfect place for kids of all age groups. Both Jasmine and Julia loved it there.

Everything was going smoothly until it was cake-cutting time. Jasmine always blew the candles out on cakes at home, but she didn't get to blow Kesler's birthday candles. She was soooo sad (see her sad face). Thanks Kesler for inviting us to your party!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Coca Cola Celebration - Pouring Rain

This actually happened last Saturday but I didn't get around to this until now. It was a gloomy, cloudy, sprinkling day and I was thinking whether to stay at home or go to the 125th year Coca Cola celebration downtown. After much debate, we decided to get into the car and go.

It was raining on and off so we grabbed our rain shield for the stroller. Thank G_d we grabbed that thing because the rain started pelting away after we parked. Out of the 4 of us, only Julia remained dry (because she was sitting in the stroller with the rain cover). Richard, Jasmine and I were completely soaked (my jeans were wet up to my knees). Hailstones were all over the ground.

Once we got to Robson square, little bottles of coke were handed out to everyone. Jasmine drank an entire bottle herself and managed to drag 5 more bottles home.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jasmine - Naming Colors (video)

Jasmine is learning things every day, so much that I can't keep up with everything. And she seems to prefer to speak English more and more which is worrisome (I really want to keep the Chinese language in her).

This is a video of Jasmine naming different colors in Chinese and English. Trying to train her to speak only Chinese at home, but it seems to be a losing battle.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jasmine - Number Song (video)

This is a video of Jasmine counting in Chinese and English to 30, and then she sang the 1-2-3 song. It's kinda boring. So if you want to listen to the counting song, skip the beginning and go to 1:20 of the video. Thanks for watching.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bloody Face - Julia

Unfortunately this morning, Julia woke up screaming her head off. I was already up and getting ready for work then so I rushed into her room. What I saw was terrible. Julia's face was all red, dried blood on her face and chin, as well as blood all over her sleepsack. Yuck.

Poor girl. Julia's face was probably itchy all night from eating something at dinner the night before and she rubbed the sleepsack on her face. You know that feeling when you have a mosquito bite? You know you shouldn't scratch it but aaaahhhhh, it feels so good when you scratch it. Like that. Gotta track down what she is allergic to.

Monday, May 2, 2011

I love Broccoli

Lately, we've been encountering a bad face rash on Julia. Doesn't matter how much cream or hydrocorizone we are using, her face is continuously bad. Maybe her milk powder or a veggie, or banana, or cheerios or soy sauce? Sigh. Have to figure this one out slowly. This is going to be a headache I think.

In the meantime, Julia seems to really like eating broccoli (Jasmine loves broccoli too). I guess I won't complain about that one.