Sunday, April 24, 2011

Julia - in Big Bath Tub (video)

Julia has finally graduated to taking a bath in the "real" bathtub. Well, she is still in the little tub, but placed inside the big tub.

We've taken the easy route all last year, by bathing her standing up in the sink. Julia has gotten too big for that now and she kicks and jabs her little foot all over the place. When she doesn't want to go into the sink, she pushes her foot on the side of the tub so we can't get her in. That little bugger.

It seems she enjoys her nightly bath much more now. Sometimes when she is fussy and screaming, I take the white bath tub from the storage area and walk into the hallway with it. Julia turns around to watch me and automatically calms down. She even follows me into the bathroom and tries to take her clothes off. Boy, does she like splashing.


Karen said...

I love that video. Has she gone swimming yet? Benjamin has gone twice and loves it. We go to Ladner where my in laws are, and the community center there has a pool that is awesome for little kids. It is warm too, not like the pools here in Burnaby. It is not a yucky warm, because there is so much movement. More like a warm bath. Benjamin and Megan never want to get out.

leungv999 said...

Jasmine loves swimming but Julia hasn't gone before. They always seem to get sick so we are saving swimming for the hot summer. The pool by our place is quite cold too, even in the warm pool.