Thursday, April 28, 2011

Go for a Walk?

Julia did something really interesting the other day. Yesterday while Jasmine was eating dinner, I took Julia out for a quick walk. Julia already finished her dinner. So I dressed her in her light jacket and then told her we are going to "hui gai gai" to go outside. And then I put on her socks and shoes. We went outside for 20 minutes and I walked her around while holding onto my hand (she still can't walk yet).

Afterwards, we went back home and I took off her clothes and shoes. We were inside for about 15 minutes, when suddenly, Julia crawled over to the side of the room, grabbed her inside-shoes, then crawled to me, pulled on my legs and started waving the shoes in front of my face. She mumbled "hui gai gai"! Julia wanted me to take her out for a walk again! So cute!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Julia - in Big Bath Tub (video)

Julia has finally graduated to taking a bath in the "real" bathtub. Well, she is still in the little tub, but placed inside the big tub.

We've taken the easy route all last year, by bathing her standing up in the sink. Julia has gotten too big for that now and she kicks and jabs her little foot all over the place. When she doesn't want to go into the sink, she pushes her foot on the side of the tub so we can't get her in. That little bugger.

It seems she enjoys her nightly bath much more now. Sometimes when she is fussy and screaming, I take the white bath tub from the storage area and walk into the hallway with it. Julia turns around to watch me and automatically calms down. She even follows me into the bathroom and tries to take her clothes off. Boy, does she like splashing.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Milk - It Does a Body Good

Our beloved Jasmine, loves her daily dose of milk... She gets one cup of plain homo milk in the morning and another cup of half chocolate/half homo milk in the afternoon with a cookie. (and at night before bed, we give her half cup of prune juice, to keep her regular).

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Preschool Pic

I had no idea but Jasmine's preschool had a picture day this week. She suddenly came home with some pictures. I don't think we'd usually buy pictures but as it turns out, this picture is one of the best ones she's ever taken! Don't mind the color of it because we had to scan it in (no digital file). She was looking straight into the camera, with a slight smile. (she NEVER does that when we want to take a picture...) Now I wished I hadn't put a tatoo on her arm the night before!

Below is Jasmine's class photo. Do you spot anything odd about it?

(she's the only one sitting down)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stealing Food (video)

Feeding Jasmine and Julia each day is such a chore. They are both super S-L-O-W eaters. Jasmine in particular, she can take up to 2 hours to eat a meal. Julia, she can eat fast if she wants but after about an hour, she needs out whether she is full or not.

On days when Julia eats very slow, she isn't full yet but needs to get out of the highchair. So she ends up picking food off of Jasmine's plate and eating it. It`s a funny sight to see her stealing Jasmine`s meal.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Bike

We bought Jasmine a new tricycle yesterday, seeing that the nice weather is coming soon. Of course, we wouldn't ever let her ride it unless she had her helmet on. So we went to take her on her first bike ride today and even after she got home, she loved it so much, she wouldn't take her helmet off until bedtime. Here she is, posing in her pajamas.