Friday, February 18, 2011

Julia - 1 years old! (video)

Julia turned 1 years old today. We went to see the doctor today for Julia's checkup and she got her shots. These are her stats:

weight - 8.26kg, 18lbs 3oz (20%)
head - 44cm (30%)
length - 76cm (75%)

Julia hasn't gained as much weight as I'd hoped. I was thinking Julia may be 19 or even 20 pounds but we weren't even close to that. Sigh. I'll have to keep on feeding her every 2 hours, just so that she can remain growing at her 20% weight line. I remember Jasmine was a light weight at 1 years old as well. I guess the girls have Daddy genes (long and thin). Good thing Julia has some Mommy genes - small head. Jasmine has Daddy genes - big head.

We held an early birthday party for Julia, the week before her birthday. We invited some friends to Thunderbird community center to have lunch and then play at the private gym. Everyone ate a buffet lunch and then we did a fast demo of Julia picking her future profession (she's a future engineer), and then we ate cake. The gym had a bouncy castle, basketball court, ride on toys, castle made of foam blocks, slide... it was fun to have the entire gym all for our party, so the kids could play with anything they wanted.

There are 3 videos from Julia's birthday party: choosing profession, cut cake, playing in gym.

1 comment:

Karen said...

So sorry we missed it! It looks like it was a lot of fun.
We need to meet up for a playdate!