Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cold - Going Around the House

Uh oh, looks like we are having another battle of the colds. Jasmine caught something at the community center during her ballet class. She came home with a slight runny nose. Did I mention that Jasmine is taking ballet classes? Yeah, for 2 year olds! Put a bunch of little toddlers together, play some music, and ask them to bounce around or pretend to be a rocket ship. That's ballet for them.

Jasmine's cold got steadily worse on Tuesday and she started wheezing (difficulty breathing) as well as a fever, cough and stuffy nose. I only found out in the afternoon after I came home from visiting a cousin's place. Before I even had a chance to take off my jacket, I had to leave for the doctor's office.

To help the wheezing, we were prescribed some meds to be administered every 4 hours via nebulizer. Terrific. Nothing like adding another item on my list that needs to be done day and night. Here's a pic of Jasmine taking in her dose of meds:

By the way, I did a jumperoo swap for a month so this "new" one is only temporary. Hope they don't mind Jasmine sitting in it. She just can't keep away from any new toys in the house. I promise, she won't break it...

Unfortunately, Julia caught the cold from Jasmine so she is now coughing away with a fever and a nose running like a tap. No meds for Julia though. I kinda wish that Julia can take meds so that some of her symptoms would go away (like her runny nose, then she can at least drink milk without popping on and off). My plan is to have all-night-parties until the kiddies get better, since I have to stay up all night long anyways (just kidding). 6 hours sleep in 48 hours. Let's see how much sleep I'll get tonight.


Karen said...

:(. When Megan gave Benjamin her cold when he was about 10days old, it was sooooo painful. He could barely eat and his breathing was so congested. Since then, he has had two other colds. Thankfully not as bad as symptons as it could be, ie no fever. Can't wait for him to grow up so I can give him meds too!

leungv999 said...

Once the kiddies get sick, it seems to pass all around the house in no time. If only we can teach them to sneeze into their sleeve or wash their hands every time they touch something. Not happening on this end. Are you taking probiotics? I hear that it passes into breastmilk?