Sunday, July 19, 2009

So Sick

Richard has been sick over the past few days, although he didn't take any time off work. And by the time the weekend rolled around, he managed to pass his sickness to: me, Beeps and his Dad. All of us had a runny nose, fever and cough. It was terrible.

Being sick is already pretty awful, but to have Jasmine sick as well (she doesn't understand why she is feeling so crappy) so she makes everyone else around her even more miserable. Poor girl. She had a high fever on Saturday night and woke up every hour. We had to sponge her down with a wet cloth to bring her temperature down. She finally went to sleep at 3am and slept until 7am. At that time, she seemed much better.

Luckily it was a short episode of illness and everyone recovered in a day or so.

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