Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby #2

I am happy to announce that Baby#2 is on his/her way.

Whenever we go to the park or playground, little Jasmine seems to flirt and play with the little kids, especially the younger babies. She just walks up to them and stares at them, tries to touch the hands and feet, blabbing away and sometimes scaring them. Jasmine is so outgoing. Richard and I felt that Jasmine is ready to have brother or sister to play with.

One July morning when I was already a few days late in my cycle, I took a pregnancy test right when I woke up and voila.... it was positive! I was so ecstatic that I ran out of the bathroom with the stick in my hand, ran into our bedroom where Richard was still sleeping and jumped onto the bed. I waved the stick at Richard's face and screamed, "Tweet, Tweet, look, LOOOOOOK!!!!" Rubbing his eyes, he looked at me funny. His reaction? A little smile and then blurted out "Yay". How typical of him...I'm so excited and he's just like, "yeah, ok".

I hope Jasmine will feel as happy as I am about having a little brother or sister to play with. I'm soooo excited that we have another little one coming at the end of February 2010.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Congratulations!!! Yayyy!