Friday, May 23, 2008

6 Months - Doubled Birth Weight

Jasmine had her 6th month check up today. She got the usual shots and had her weight checked. She is 14lbs and 2 oz. and has finally doubled her birth weight (she weighed 7lb 8 oz at birth but went down to 6lb 14oz when discharged from the hospital). She is light for her age but is tall, at 75th percentile in length - tall and skinny baby.

Unfortunately Dr. Yee was not in when we went in for the check up and the different doc didn't check on as many things as Dr. Yee does (like checking the eyes, tongue, ask questions about rolling over, sitting up, crawling...)

Since we hit this topic, Jasmine just recently learned how to roll over (from belly to back). She's rolled over the other way before (from back to belly) but since she doesn't like belly time, she prefers to roll over one way only. Here, she is trying to sit up with the help of a pillow although she isn't successful at it yet. She keeps sliding on her side, S-L-O-W-L-Y.

1 comment:

bronwen said...

she's such a cutie!