Friday, April 22, 2022

Barium Swallow Study and Endoscopy Wait

It’s been almost 2 months of blending food for Josh now.  Josh has been steadily losing weight since before his appendicitis in December.  He was 61.5lbs on December 29.  And today, he weighs only 53.2lbs.  ☹️    We've been increasing his calories by giving him Pediasure daily and ice cream.  (This he enjoys a lot). 

This week, he has a barium swallow study and endoscopy scheduled, 2 days in a row.   Which meant, Josh had to fast for 2 days straight.   

The barium swallow study is a procedure where he drinks a syrup drink (dye) while lying flat on a machine.  The machine watches the flow of the dye while it travels down the throat and upper digestive tract.  We were informed that Josh’s anatomy is working perfectly fine.  Yay!

Next, Josh arrived at the hospital and was all prepped to go for his endoscopy at 3:30pm.  After waiting for 2 hours, we were told due to emergent surgeries that had priority, he wasn’t going to have surgery that day and had to be rescheduled.  

I was very disappointed because we were heading to Toronto in May and I really wanted to find out the reason for Josh’s dysphagia.  What else can we do but wait?

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

New Elliptical Machine

Take a look at this beauty.  Due to the pandemic, we’ve been trying to keep our weight under control.  With working from home, driving to work (versus taking transit) and just not going out at all, we’ve steadily been gaining weight (except me…)

This new elliptical machine now lives in our previous toy room.  SOOOO, all the toys are now sitting in our living room.  ðŸ¤¨.    Let’s see in a month’s time, if anyone will still be using it.  Sure hope so!