Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hospital Visit - Josh and Nuts

Poor daidai, had his first visit at the Children's Hospital today.  It seems he may have reacted to walnuts which the inlaws left on the table.  As we know, Josh was cleared of having a nut allergy when he was 3 so technically, he does not have a nut allergy. 

Daidai broke out in full-body rashes today along with signs of difficulty breathing so I asked Lo Ye to drive him to the emergency at the Children's hospital.  I left work and went directly to the hospital to meet them.  He was wheezing pretty badly after he arrived so the nurse made me administer the epipen.  

The rashes got worse as time went by.  He was scratching like mad.  His face started blowing up like a balloon, all around his eyes and forehead.  It looked terrible.  He was given several doses of benadryl and that made him take a nap.  He went to sleep and the rashes slowly calmed down after that.  So scary.

So that's another thing to test at the allergist - cat and nuts.  The doctor there made a priority appt for February.  What a relief that he is ok.

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