Sunday, September 6, 2015

104th Birthday!

We had our annual huge LEUNG family dinner this weekend, to celebrate our Grandma's 104th birthday.  104!  Wow.  The difference in age between Daidai and his great Grandma is 102!  Amazing.  And she still seems to be in good health.  Hoping some of her great genes will trickle down to me.  

Gong Gong, Yee Ma, Yee Jerng and cousin K came over to visit earlier in the day and then we went to the dinner bash at night.  It was nice to see the extended family and chat with everyone. We had 6 tables this year.  

The next morning, we went to the cemetery to "bai" Grandpa Leung (the kid's great Grandpa whom they've never met before).  The pic below shows half of the cousins who made it there that morning.  A tight photo squeeze.  Looking forward to next year.

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