Monday, August 3, 2015

Science World Day Trip - Skip Nap

We took the kiddies to Science World today; made use of our family annual pass.  The girls like try all the different things they have there and check out the exhibits.  And Josh, he just runs around and plays in the toddler area.  

Normally we head out in the morning and return home for Josh's afternoon nap.  But since Josh has been fighting naptime, we decided to stay out all afternoon and see what happens when he doesn't nap at all.  It went well I guess.  He was fine up until the drive home around 4pm and then he konked out in the car.  

We let him sleep til 5pm and then had an early dinner.  All 3 kids were tired in the evening and went to bed quietly...not the norm.  So it turned out to be a great day.

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