Monday, August 31, 2015

Boing Boing Zebra (video)

Silly kiddies.  They really enjoy bouncing on this zebra toy.

The 2 younger ones were fighting to ride on it.  Muimui is pretty much at the top of the weight limit so she'll be so sad when we tell her she can't bounce on it anymore.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Who Chopped Down the Tree? (video)

It was a super windy weekend.  There was hail, there was wind, there was rain, there were trees knocked over.  Just a few houses down from ours, a tree blew over so we had to go check it out.

Good thing it wasn't the huge tree right next to our house that fell over.  I had visions of a tree trunk slammed in between our kitchen and living room, with the roof wide open.  Not a good sight!  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Too Old for This? Exersaucer Fun (video)

I've been trying to clear out junk out of storage for some time now.  We stored this exersaucer in the garage for over a year and pulled it out to sell.  After I cleaned it down, we put it into the living room and all 3 kids wanted to play with it!  The young one wanted to sit in it and would not get out.

Isn't it too small for him?  (normally for infants who are 9 months old)  Apparently not.  He played with it 3 nights in a row, for over 15 minutes each time.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

2nd Birthday! Dog and Owl Cake (video)

Our little Daidai just turned 2 years old!  Big boy you are.  No bday bash this year, too much going on.

I know that he loves cake and he loves dogs so I decided to make some dog cupcakes for him.  Only a handful turned out ok though but it's good enough.  He enjoyed about 3 of them after singing the bday song.

Happy bday Daidai!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Artificial Colors and Flavors

Beeps seems to be getting a constant face rash lately that itches and is practically ripping her bottom lip open.  We have to put on hydrocortizone every night to keep it from bleeding.  What is causing this?  She's definitely not eating nuts.

We are using the elimination method to track down what her body doesn't like but it's so hard to narrow it down.  We cut out the following things:

- chocolate (candy and powder)
- all candies
- fake cheese
- real cheese
- all sauces

but she was STILL getting a mouth rash.  She is eating plain foods at the moment and really only healthy food items.  What is it????

I was handing out the kids daily vitamins and it suddenly dawned on me that we switched to a new brand of  vitamins in the last few weeks (Kirkland).  I checked the ingredients and it had artifical color in it.  Hmmmm.  That might be it!  So we have changed the vitamins with a version that has no artifical color or flavor in it to see if it helps.  We will see.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Ye Ye's 66th Birthday Dinner

We went out for dinner tonight at TeaWok in Burnaby to celebrate Lo Ye's 66th birthday.  We wanted to try a new place this time around.  Surprisingly, this place was pretty good.  They normally serve bubble tea as their main menu but there was a steak special for $15 that included steak with veggies and a bubble tea on the side.  The bubble tea was also a pretty good size for the price.  

We practically had the entire place to ourselves.  Lots of room to sit and the kids could wander without worrying about bugging other tables.  All in all, a good dinner tonight.  Happy bday!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sliding Fun - Central Park and at Home (video)

A perfect day to head out to the park for exercise.  The kids loved it, blowing off energy.  They all loved the bumpy slide at Central Park.

And when the kids are stuck at home, they have a dinky tiny slide to have fun on too.  Here's beeps showing off all her sliding styles:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Playland Day Trip - Napped in Stroller (video)

Both Tweet and I took the day off work today, to take the 3 kids to Playland.  We already knew that the girls will love Playland but not sure about Daidai.  It'll be his first time.  He was already a happy camper walking towards the entrance, dashing around on the side walk.  There was so much to see.

Because of height restrictions, Jas was the only one who could go on the exciting adult rides.  She was just over the 48" limit.  Muimui was able to ride on the smaller kid rides.  And Daidai, well, he could only go on 4 rides:  choo choo train, balloon, tea cup and merry-go-horse.  He liked all of them, except the horse one.  He REALLY didn't like that one.  Don't know why?

The kids bounced from ride to ride, without lining up at all.  It wasn't busy.  Did I mention it was raining?  Our luck.  Of all the days we choose to take time off work, and it rains.  The good thing is even though Playland closed early, at 5pm and we only got there at 1pm, we were all rided out by 5 o'clock.  Daidai konked out in the stroller around 3:15pm and slept until closing time.  That part was great.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Science World Day Trip - Skip Nap

We took the kiddies to Science World today; made use of our family annual pass.  The girls like try all the different things they have there and check out the exhibits.  And Josh, he just runs around and plays in the toddler area.  

Normally we head out in the morning and return home for Josh's afternoon nap.  But since Josh has been fighting naptime, we decided to stay out all afternoon and see what happens when he doesn't nap at all.  It went well I guess.  He was fine up until the drive home around 4pm and then he konked out in the car.  

We let him sleep til 5pm and then had an early dinner.  All 3 kids were tired in the evening and went to bed quietly...not the norm.  So it turned out to be a great day.