Friday, July 24, 2015

23 Months

The young Daidai is now 23 months.  Approaching the terrible 2s, here we come.  It seems we are having difficulties in all areas.  He used to eat and drink rice milk like a pro but just recently, he's decided to not eat and not drink and not sleep anymore.  

During meal times, he will resist sitting in his high chair and push off with his legs. He'd push his food around and drop it onto the ground, or mush it in his hands and proceed to wipe it all over his hair.  (We wash his hair alot these days).  

He won't drink milk out of a bottle anymore or in a cup for that matter.  So we are offering it through a chocolate straw or sippie cup and finding him interesting things to play or stare at while giving him the milk.  It's hit and miss.  

Sleepwise - terrible.  Fighting all the way.  When bedtime comes, he will cry and cry and cry so hard that he'll sometimes puke.  Naps are the same.  He will skip the nap and then fall sleep during dinner.  What's up with that?  Silly boy.  Sigh.  

On the good side - Daidai is jabbering way more lately.  Doesn't make any sense but it's great progress.  Making funny sounds and imitating what we say. 

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