Sunday, July 26, 2015

Baby MacKenzie's Party

We celebrated little MacKenzie's 1st birthday today.  As we all know, the first birthday is more for the celebration than for the birthday child.  They usually end up sleeping through the entire party, as expected.  (I remember Josh's party last year was like that).  

The 3 kiddies had a great time in the private gym and then ate a yummy Chinese lunch afterwards.  Thanks for having us.


Friday, July 24, 2015

23 Months

The young Daidai is now 23 months.  Approaching the terrible 2s, here we come.  It seems we are having difficulties in all areas.  He used to eat and drink rice milk like a pro but just recently, he's decided to not eat and not drink and not sleep anymore.  

During meal times, he will resist sitting in his high chair and push off with his legs. He'd push his food around and drop it onto the ground, or mush it in his hands and proceed to wipe it all over his hair.  (We wash his hair alot these days).  

He won't drink milk out of a bottle anymore or in a cup for that matter.  So we are offering it through a chocolate straw or sippie cup and finding him interesting things to play or stare at while giving him the milk.  It's hit and miss.  

Sleepwise - terrible.  Fighting all the way.  When bedtime comes, he will cry and cry and cry so hard that he'll sometimes puke.  Naps are the same.  He will skip the nap and then fall sleep during dinner.  What's up with that?  Silly boy.  Sigh.  

On the good side - Daidai is jabbering way more lately.  Doesn't make any sense but it's great progress.  Making funny sounds and imitating what we say. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How Does She Sleep Like That?

Funny Muimui, she was really tired during dinner time.  While everyone else already finished eating and was outside playing, we left Muimui in the kitchen to finish her food.  And this is what we saw when we got back.  She's sleeping in that position!  How does she sleep like that?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gymnastics Birthday Party (video)

We celebrated Ben's bday today at a gymnastics party.  Because it's Josh's nap time, we only took the girls to the party. The place was great; the kids got to try all the gymnastics equipment while the parents got to relax in the party room.

We were surprised when most of the other parents did not hang around so we decided to do a little shopping at Ikea ourselves.  We spent about an hour browsing and checking out their leather dining chairs (that's going to be our next large purchase I think).  We went back to the party just in time for some cake and goodie bags.  The girls had a super fun time.

The video is kinda slow and not too exciting, but it shows the equipment available there.  Thanks for having us at the party.  Happy birthday Benjamin!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Dance Dance Dance (video)

Our next break dancer....Daidai!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lin Family Visits

Our little cousin K, Yee Ma and Yee Jerng came over for a visit this weekend.  We don't see each other very often so it was great fun to run around the house and try to make as much noise as possible.  It was a short visit but we heard that he will be visiting us again in a few weeks.  Yay, can't wait.

Kou Fu and Yee Yee also dropped by for dinner.  We had a full house!  Here's Kou Fu playing with us:

Friday, July 10, 2015

Jump, jump, jump - Trampoline

We  went to a friend's place recently and the family had a Springfree trampoline in the backyard.  The girls had gazillions of fun that day, jumping and jumping.  And ever since that day, they've been begging for one.  They kept on asking, begging, whining...  and they even offered to put their own money towards the trampoline!  How do we say no to that?

Here's a pic of the girls offering all the cash in their wallet.  Between the two of them, it's close to $500!

We spent some time researching the brand, size, price and reviews of trampolines and we decided to go with the Spring Free brand even though it costs 4 times more than the other brands.  It seems to be the safest one without the springs on the outside. We think anyways.  We got the 8x13 one.  Hopefully it'll be worth the investment.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Addison's Bday party - Confederation Park

We celebrated Addison's 4th birthday today at Confederation Park.  All the kids love this park because it has a long choo choo train ride.  The train is special though, because you sit ON the train, not in the train.  You can't see it in the photo but we are on the train, already to go.  PS - Josh is not in the pic cus he's napping!  Thanks for having us at the party.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Swimming Afternoon (video)

We went swimming at Uncle Norman's apartment today.  It was hot and Josh was taking his nap so the 4 of us went out for a couple of hours.  Because the pool was pretty deep, even in the shallow end, we couldn't let the girls play on their own.  Muimui had to stay by the stairs the entire time and we piggy-backed her around the pool when we weren't doing laps.

Just before getting out of the water, Tweet decided to bomb the water...all on camera:

Friday, July 3, 2015

Third Year - House Anniversary

We are into year #3!  Ever since we moved into this house, life has been great (we got the Daidai, didn't we?).  Yes, most days both Rich and I are pretty stressed out and tired but what parents are not?  We can usually get through the day without throwing stuff at each other.  Hahaha.  

Looking forward to another great year ahead.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Canada Day - day out (video)

Yippee, a free paid vacation day!  Happy Canada Day.  It's so hot in the house so we thought we'd go hang out at the air conditioned mall today.  But when we got there, it really wasn't that air conditioned.  In fact, it felt pretty hot there, sitting in the food fair area, eating our lunch.

The kids didn't seem to mind though, running around, going up and down the escalators and ride the merry-go-fish thing.  We even took the train to the other side of the mall (for some reason, the kiddies really love the train).  There was a light demo thing in happening in the middle of the courtyard area so we walked through it in 10 secs; good thing we didn't wait too long in line.  Nice, simple trip to the mall.