Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Food Allergies

It's been a few years since the girls were tested for their food allergies.  We finally saw the pediatric allergist today, after a 6-month wait.  Both girls did the prick test on their arms and both were itching, scratching and complaining.  The conclusion:   Jas is allergic to peanut and grass.  Julia is allergic to peanut, grass, weeds and dust mites.

Interesting - no wonder both of their asthma acted up when they played soccer over the summer.  They are both allergic to grass!  I guess no more soccer for them.  Little Jules gets to buy special covers for her mattress, pillow and duvet, to avoid dust mites.  Another thing on our shopping list.

1 comment:

Karen said...

My dad is allergic to grass too. A difficult one to control.