Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Day Off from Work - Black Friday Shopping

Both Tweet and I took the day off work today, for Black Friday shopping tomorrow.  We've never gone down before so it'll be neat to do it.  Not taking kids though, too dangerous.  We took care of the kids during the day and then drove down in the evening.  We packed the day with activities:

- we walked Jas to school.  It was stuffy day so she took her beloved Pikachu to class.

- and then we walked Jules and Josh to the nearby school, to register Julia for her kindergarten class next September.  We haven't used this double stroller in quite some time, but it seems like the kiddies like it.  Josh didn't fuss at all.  

- Mommy then went for an acupuncture treatment while Daddy put Josh to nap
- then at 3pm, we picked up Jas from school and headed to the community clinic for both Jas and Julia to get the flu shot
- at 5pm, off to Bellingham for shopping
- all of these things done in 6 hours...
- PHEWF!  Best of all, we brought back $800 of stuff and was not taxed!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

15 Months - Never Stops

Boy, can he move fast.  We've been trying to get Josh to walk slower around the house.  He's been walking for about 2 weeks already but very unsteadily.  He doesn't just walk...he runs.  Unfortunately, he is like how Jas was when she was learning to walk.  And Jas fell alot.  Josh charges off, not cautious at all.

To ensure that he doesn't fall over like a tree and bonk his head, we basically have to follow him everywhere, chasing him here and there and catching him whenever he takes a tumble.  This is the best pic I could get of him.  He just keeps walking off..

Monday, November 24, 2014

Jessica Yee Yee Visits

From the kids:   We met with Jessica yee yee and Uncle Carl this week.  She is Mommy's friend from a long long time ago but she moved to HK.  They haven't seen each other in 8 years, before I was even born.  Wow, they are so old...jk.

Mommy went out for dinner with Jessica yee yee and Auntie Daisy at Minami, where they served really good Japanese food.  I heard Mommy coming home at 1am in the morning...bad Mommy, partying out all night.

And then one night, Jessica yee yee came over to our house for a visit and brought lots of presents.  I was so excited; I love new toys.  It was really late though, 10pm, way past my bed time so I wasn't allowed to play with the toys until the next day.  We did take a couple of pics.  Too bad I was in my pjs already.  I wanted to wear frilly dress.  

Thanks for coming over to play.  Please come and visit again soon.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ice Skating - Backwards

Both Jas and Jules are taking ice skating lessons on the weekends.  They love it.

For the past 3 weeks, they've really improved a lot on the ice.  They went from being scared to go onto the ice and hanging on the side railings, to now - skating backwards!  Pretty impressive.  Soon I'll need to ask them to teach me how to skate.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Jas!

It's another cupcake success! Jas is celebrating her bday at school this year, as we are not having a bday party for her.  Her newest passion is Pokemon so we made chocolate cupcakes (nut-free, egg-free, dairy-free) with Pokemon thingy's on top, for her to take to class.  She was very happy that day.

For home, we bought a chest nut cake (bad Mommy...forgot about the nut allergy) so only the adults could eat the cake.  Yay, more for me...   Happy Birthday Jasmine!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jas Bonked Nose Accident

Jas started a new school this Fall term and I haven't received any phone calls from her school yet (I knew it'll come one day).  And then today, I got a call from the school counsellor.  There was nothing "wrong" but she's calling all the new students who entered that school year.  Oh, ok.  How nice and thought nothing of it.  

It wasn't until I got home that I realized what happened.  Jas had a terrible fall at school today; she fell flat on her face!  And came home with a really scratched up nose/face.  Poor Jas.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Yee Yee Bday Visit

We celebrated Yee Yee's bday today with a special dinner that Mommy cooked and special cupcakes.  It's soooo special because Mommy never cooks... LOL.  And that the food were free of gluten, dairy, soy, egg and nuts.  The kiddies all miss Yee Yee.  Thanks for hanging out with us.  Happy Birthday to Yee Yee!