Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pooping Station and Chubby Girl?

I've always imagined that I'd have a daughter...wait, I have one.  No wait, I have two!  Well, in that case, if I ever wanted to have a 3rd daughter, I'd want her to look like this piece of chubby meat.  Nice pic above.  Isn't he cute?  He has no clue.  I bet he's not going to be happy with me when he grows up...

I'd thought I'd introduce everyone to Josh's favorite music swing chair.  When he was younger, he'd sit happily in the swing and listen to all the songs while staring at the colored lights.  Now, he likes grabbing onto the top rail portion of it and stand there...until he takes a dump.  We call it, his pooping chair.  He doesn't do it like that every day, but alot of times he does, especially after we give him his bath.

1 comment:

Karen said...

The next generation will hate us when they get married and we pass on all these photos. ;)