Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pooping Station and Chubby Girl?

I've always imagined that I'd have a daughter...wait, I have one.  No wait, I have two!  Well, in that case, if I ever wanted to have a 3rd daughter, I'd want her to look like this piece of chubby meat.  Nice pic above.  Isn't he cute?  He has no clue.  I bet he's not going to be happy with me when he grows up...

I'd thought I'd introduce everyone to Josh's favorite music swing chair.  When he was younger, he'd sit happily in the swing and listen to all the songs while staring at the colored lights.  Now, he likes grabbing onto the top rail portion of it and stand there...until he takes a dump.  We call it, his pooping chair.  He doesn't do it like that every day, but alot of times he does, especially after we give him his bath.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

13 Months - Josh

Our little one is now 13 months and he's pulling up, climbing, crawling over everything in sight.  Very active.  He is also starting to show his true personality by quickly whining or crying when he doesn't get what he wants.  We love him to pieces.

We had some difficulty taking his 13-month pics, as he was more interested in playing rather than looking into the camera.  These are the best 3 we could get.  No smiles.  Oh well.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Bath Tub? (video)

Josh is the only baby we've had since moving into the new house so we usually bathe him in his own little white bathtub, inside our big stand-up shower stall.  I mostly get wet every time we bathe him.  But recently, we discovered a new, better, fun-ner way for Josh to bathe...  

Check out his new bath tub!  Why didn't we do this before? He LOVES IT!!!  And so much easier on us. Here's a video of him in both tubs.  Had some trouble getting him to look at the camera.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Video of Girls in 2014 (video)

It's been a while since I've posted videos of the kids.  I mean, we take gazillions of videos and photos all the time (thanks to technology) but we don't have time to process them.  Anyways, to put my laziness aside, I've combined together a few videos of Jas and Jules from 2014.  I love the one where Jas keeps brushing Josh's hair... it just doesn't look right...LOL.

Take a peek:

Friday, September 5, 2014

Kids Bowl Free - Grandview Lanes

Over the summer months, Jas participated in a bowling program called Kids Bowl Free at Grandview Lanes.  It's a free program for kids to bowl 2 games each day, to encourage more physical activity (versus watching TV).  Due to the teacher's strike, the bowling program was extended for another month - yippee!  The girls loved it.  Well, actually, Jas loved it and Jules, she got tired after one game and would rather sit and eat her fries instead.  Nevertheless, it's free and it's something fun for them to do.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

12 Month Shots - Josh

Josh had his 12 month wellness check today, along with his immunization shots.  We picked the perfect appointment time, between lunch and his afternoon nap.  He was having so much fun at the doc's office (new toys he's never played with before), he had no clue he was going to get jabbed 4 times!  One on each arm and leg.

I feel so terrible watching him be in pain but he was a trooper though, only cried for a moment.  By the fourth jab, he was trying to get away as far as possible from the doctor.
Here are his stats:
Weight - 10kg (22lb) - 60% percentile
Head - 46cm (18.1 inches) - 50% percentile
Length - 79cm (31 inches) - 85% percentile

Josh eats quite a bit of solids now, as long as the food is blended up really well.  He still can't take chunks, as he'll happily upchuck everything if there is a single little lump.  At every meal, he eats oatmeal with juice (apple, orange or prune), a meat (chicken, beef, pork or sometimes egg) and puree fruit or veggie.  We'll also give him fruits to play with.  He seems to like everything so far.