Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Visit - Principal's Office

Whenever I get a phone call, I always look at who the caller is.  I always answer the phone, regardless of who it is though.  Unfortunately, I got my first phone call from kindergarten.  As soon as I heard "I'm Jas' teacher from school", I already knew she got into trouble.

Apparently, Jas threw a huge tantrum at school and wouldn't stop screaming, even when she was put outside the classroom.  After several minutes, she was sent to the principal's office.  Really?  She had to see the principal for discipline?  Eeks.  Do kids age 4/5 still have screaming tantrums?  


Honey Didi Loving Family said...

Yikes!!!!! Already...

Karen said...

Oh so not looking forward to that.
Megan had a screaming fit at the doctor's office yesterday when we were there for flu shots. She hadn't even had the shot and was already screaming. And then after the shot i had to sit with her to calm her down for 15 mins. Ben didn't even feel it and just ate his pocky.