Saturday, November 24, 2012

Videos - Wrestling and Twinkle Little Star

It's been quite busy the past few weeks so I didn't get a chance to convert any videos.  Here are a couple of videos from October and November.  This first video is J and J doing their usual play fighting.  The young one is usually the starter of the fights!

The second video is Jules singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with her own lyrics.  She seems to only know a part of the song and keeps on repeating it over and over again.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Jas 5th Birthday Party (video)

We celebrated Jas' 5th birthday today at Creekside Coumunity Center and 50 of her friends (family and kids) came out to play.  The theme was angry birds.  We had cake, cupcakes, balloons and goodie bags, all decorated in angry birds style.  Everyone seemed to have a great time.  It was great seeing everyone.  (click on pics to enlarge photo).

Trina and Emma
Wrency, Rick, Adyson and Kesler
Cyrus, Alex and Jas
Paul, Noah, Gavin, and Megan
Kaveh and Aroosha

Because Jas' party did not take place on her actual birth date, we celebrated again a few days later and she got another cake!  Another angry bird cake but this time it's ice cream.  As the girls say, I scream for ice cream.  YeYe and MaMa were able to join this time around.  Then Jas ripped open all her presents; wow look at all the gifts!  Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Visit - Principal's Office

Whenever I get a phone call, I always look at who the caller is.  I always answer the phone, regardless of who it is though.  Unfortunately, I got my first phone call from kindergarten.  As soon as I heard "I'm Jas' teacher from school", I already knew she got into trouble.

Apparently, Jas threw a huge tantrum at school and wouldn't stop screaming, even when she was put outside the classroom.  After several minutes, she was sent to the principal's office.  Really?  She had to see the principal for discipline?  Eeks.  Do kids age 4/5 still have screaming tantrums?  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What's Inside the Door?

When we bought the house half a year ago, we noticed that the sliding door between the kitchen and the living room did not close properly.  We were told that a child put a book or toy inside the door so the door no longer shut.  Shrug.  OK.  We finally got around to checking out the door (after the kids kept running into it). 

We cut a small hole in the wall and pulled out the junk stuck in the door way and this is what we took out.  Looks like there were 6 books, 2 long foam pieces, CD, car, spider toy...  The kid must have had fun shoving all this stuff inside the door!   Our door is fixed!  Good job Daddy. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sleep? Only in the corner please.

Yes, I love to sleep... sideways.  My bed is way too big so I have to squeeze into a corner to be comfortable.  Mommy and Daddy always pulls me out when I am fast asleep so that my legs don't get cramped.  See you in the morning!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Potty Trained Already?

Wow, is the young one already potty trained?  We actually weren't training Jules for the potty yet (waiting until December when we have vacation) but she wanted to go herself.  We've been putting her on the toilet before her bath and sometimes she goes and sometimes not.  But at least she'd sit there for a while with no complaints.

Then tonight, we put her on the toilet and she did a pee and a poop!  YAY!!!  Way to go beebeeboo.  We are so proud of you.