Monday, March 5, 2012

First Hospital Admission - Jas

We had a major scare today.  I was just about to leave the house for work when suddenly my MIL ran downstairs.  She told me that Jasmine is not well and I should have a look.  I went upstairs and found Rich on the couch with Jas in the living room.  

Jas looked like she was sleeping.  So I talked to her, poked her a bit to get some sort of reaction.  No response.  I started nudging her harder and got her to sit up.  She was white, lips were white.  We picked her up and she was limp.  Rich handed me the phone and I called 9-1-1.  Good thing too as she was in trouble.

The firefighters arrived within minutes of the call.  In those 3 minutes, Jas shifted positions, opened her eyes and then turned away to continue to sleep.  I thought that she was just tired and sleepy.  I was actually thinking of cancelling the call.  But as the firefighters assessed her, they tested her blood sugar and it was a 2.0.  What did that mean?  Was that high or low?

The paramedics arrived soon after and they fed Jas something thru the mouth.  Apparently something not tasty, as she took the first bite and didn’t want anymore.  They wheeled Jas out on a stretcher and into the ambulance.  I rode in the ambulance with her and Rich drove the car to the hospital.

We spent a good 6 hours in the emergency area and then was admitted to the pediatrics department at the Children’s hospital for further testing.  It appears that Jas was fighting a cold, asthma and some other infection, causing her body to be really weak.  She was using fat cells for energy rather than her food for energy, releasing ketones into her blood, making her blood acidic.  But she came around really quickly as soon as they pumped sugar water and saline into her.  Here are a few pics of Jas at emergency.

Jas seems to be doing fine now.  They are running lots of tests to find out why this happened.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Very scary. I'm glad that she is ok now.