Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wa Wa Wa and Whassap? (videos)

This kiddies have nothing better to do except play around at home.  These are a couple videos showing what they do to stay entertained:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Brush Teeth? No... (video)

Every night, we brush both Jasmine and Julia's teeth before bed. Jasmine absolutely loves brushing teeth so there are no issues there. However, with Julia, that is an entirely different story. Julia hates having her teeth brushed. We usually have to chase her around the house and strap her down to brush her teeth, even though it takes 30 seconds. Here's a video of her boing-boing-boing away from me:

Funny though, Julia doesn't mind having her mouth flossed. We use those floss pics which they can hold onto themselves rather than the traditional long string floss. Here's a pic of Julia flossing her teeth:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tuan and Phuong Wedding

Congratulations to Tuan and Phoung who got married today.  We brought the kiddies to the ceremony in the morning but left them at home during the dinner.  Everyone was happy to see each other and we had a grand time.  (it's been a long time since the crew hung out).  Look at the boys doing their cling-cling of drinks all night long.  Good thing all the wives were there to look after the boys afterwards...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Plush Chair Gymnastics

Julia doesn't seem to like to sit on her new plush chair much.  She prefers to stand on it or turns it upside down and does funny poses on it instead.  Take a peek:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patrick's Parade

It is St. Patrick's Day today and there is a celebration downtown with a parade.  We decided to catch transit and watch the parade.  We had to take a bus to get to the skytrain, go on the skytrain and then walk to the parade area.  Easy right?  

Unfortunately, when the bus arrived, it was already full so we had to take the next one.  Because it was Sunday, the next bus is 20 minutes away so we decided to walk to the skytrain instead.  That was an unexpected delay.  When we arrived at our skytrain stop, we got off and it took us about 10 minutes to find the elevators to get up to street level (we brought our double stroller).  Another delay.  By the time we got to see the parade, it was super duper crowded.  The kids couldn't see anything thru the crowds.  So we ended up walking to the end of the parade line to watch the parade.  By that time, there were only a few floats left to finish.  The parade ended about 10 minutes later.  Sad.  At the least we saw some performers and managed to take a few pictures with the people in costumes.  

After we left the downtown area, it was time to eat.  We took the skytrain to Costco where they sold $1.50 hotdogs with drink and chicken with fries.  As soon as we got off the skytrain, the sky suddenly turned dark and started pouring rain.  It was super cold too and the rain turned into hail.  Even if you have an umbrella, you'd be drenched in a second.  We at lunch and by the time we finished, the rain had slowed down to a drizzle.  Thank goodness!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Little Monkeys After Bath

Every night after the kids take their bath, we would put their towels on, walk into the living room and moisturize them immediately.  This is our regular bedtime routine.  Lately, we've been having issues with the girls taking off their towels early and they run around the house naked.  It must be a kid thing because they do it every day!   

We can usually keep Jas under control (she hates time outs) but with Julia, she just doesn't listen.  She would squirm and run away the entire time.  Fun in games I guess.  Here are a couple of pics of them doing their monkey business.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Discharged Out of Hospital

After 3 days in hospital, Jas is doing great now; running around, eating normally and driving me crazy in the hospital.  Thank goodness she was discharged today so that she can spread her energy in the house and not confined to her hospital room.    It was getting difficult finding things to occupy her time when she only has a 10x10 space (was confined to her room as they suspected her sickness was viral and they didn't want it to spread to other patients).  Poor Jas.

We'll continue to monitor her blood 3 times a day over the next few weeks until her tests results come back.  They've already ruled out diabetes (phewf).  Here's a pic of Jas before she left the hospital (no more tubes).

Monday, March 5, 2012

First Hospital Admission - Jas

We had a major scare today.  I was just about to leave the house for work when suddenly my MIL ran downstairs.  She told me that Jasmine is not well and I should have a look.  I went upstairs and found Rich on the couch with Jas in the living room.  

Jas looked like she was sleeping.  So I talked to her, poked her a bit to get some sort of reaction.  No response.  I started nudging her harder and got her to sit up.  She was white, lips were white.  We picked her up and she was limp.  Rich handed me the phone and I called 9-1-1.  Good thing too as she was in trouble.

The firefighters arrived within minutes of the call.  In those 3 minutes, Jas shifted positions, opened her eyes and then turned away to continue to sleep.  I thought that she was just tired and sleepy.  I was actually thinking of cancelling the call.  But as the firefighters assessed her, they tested her blood sugar and it was a 2.0.  What did that mean?  Was that high or low?

The paramedics arrived soon after and they fed Jas something thru the mouth.  Apparently something not tasty, as she took the first bite and didn’t want anymore.  They wheeled Jas out on a stretcher and into the ambulance.  I rode in the ambulance with her and Rich drove the car to the hospital.

We spent a good 6 hours in the emergency area and then was admitted to the pediatrics department at the Children’s hospital for further testing.  It appears that Jas was fighting a cold, asthma and some other infection, causing her body to be really weak.  She was using fat cells for energy rather than her food for energy, releasing ketones into her blood, making her blood acidic.  But she came around really quickly as soon as they pumped sugar water and saline into her.  Here are a few pics of Jas at emergency.

Jas seems to be doing fine now.  They are running lots of tests to find out why this happened.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kiddies Sick Again

Unfortunately both of the kids are sick again. Coughing, runny nose, and fever. Jas’ asthma is acting up as well so she is on the nebuliser every 4 hours now. Let’s hope this run of the cold goes by fast.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pop the Balloon (video)

This video was taken last month but didn't get a chance to convert it until now.

Earlier in the day, we blew up balloons around the house for the kids to play. And I guess they got sick of throwing them up into the air, so they wanted to pop them instead. Take a look at Julia trying hard to pop the balloons.