Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yummy Squid!

I never thought that our kids would like eating this... squid! We had steamed squid tonight for dinner and the kids just gobbbled it up so fast. Julia was screaming for more, and I wasn't cutting the legs up fast enough. Here are some pics of the girls enjoying their seafood:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Shoes Please

I should have noticed that Julia's feet are getting too big for her shoes. I have to push her feet in really hard, to get the feet in. And she says "tong tong" when I do it. Um, Mommy, I need bigger shoes!

Right. So I look at her shoe size. Size 6. That means she needs size 7 now. And I pull out the size 7 shoes... wait, Jas just finished wearing these like a few months ago. WHAT?

I look at Jas' shoes. She is wearing size 8. I can't believe it. Jas is wearing size 8 shoes and Julia is wearing size 7. Makes me wonder - is it possible for both girls to be wearing the same size shoes?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No Head Lice!

Finally, all done. 2 weeks of checking for head lice, and we are free! Jas didn't get any head lice. What a relief!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Julia's 2nd Birthday (video)

We celebrated Julia's 2nd birthday today, by inviting Adyson and Kesler to join us at Fun4Kids in Aberdeen center. After running around in the playground for an hour, we went to the food fair to have a quick lunch and cupcakes. All of the kids had a blast (adult kids too).

The next day, Grandpa Leung, Auntie Lisa and Momo dropped by for a visit. They gave lots of presents as well. We also ate yummy chestnut birthday cake and sang the birthday song. Double celebration!

Poor Momo was so scared of the girls. When you watch the video below, can you hear how Julia is following everything that Jas is doing?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Improved at School

After two weeks, the teacher hasn't called back so I'm guessing things are ok in school now. Actually I've noticed that Jas doesn't pick her nose anymore at home so she must have gotten over the habit. Yay! If only we can stop her from talking back or biting her fingers now. We'll work on those.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Head Lice Alert

Today when I picked Jas up from daycare, we were told that one of the kids had head lice. That means that over the next 2 weeks, we'll have to check Jas' hair, comb thoroughly to look for adult lice jumping around.

The adult lice can be brown or grey in color and they look like flax seeds. After we wash her hair, we put conditioner all over the hair and comb thoroughly to find the adult lice. If you find one, then everyone in the house has to do this for 2 weeks.

Let's hope that Jas doesn't get it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Killarney Discipline Needed

Got a call from Killarney. Jasmine was misbehaving again. Apparently, she's throwing tantrums every time the teacher asks her to do something she doesn't like. For example, if it is circle time and the teacher asks her to join the circle - scream. The teacher asks Jas to grab her backpack to get her snack - scream. Please wash your hands after you use the washroom - scream.

The next thing she tells me is even worse. Jas has taken on the habit of picking her nose in public and then eating the booger... yuck!

Well, the teacher and chatted on how to handle the situation and recommended that we use the same type of discipline at home and at school. We decided to:

- ignore he trantrums and walk away (hoping she will realize that people don't want to be around her when she throws a fit)
- use the reward system for nose picking.

Instead of picking her nose, we remind her to rub her hands together whenever she feels like touching her nose. And each day that goes by without picking her nose, she gets a Dora sticker. After getting 3 Dora stickers, she will get a lollipop.

Let's see how things go this week.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Benji's 3rd Birthday

We went to Uncle John and Auntie Cheryl's house to celebrate Benji's 3rd birthday. The theme is red this year and boy, were we ready for that. We have alot of red dresses! We love going over to their house, as they have so many toys to play with. It's like a massive indoor playground. Julia especially loves bouncing on their horsy. The best part of the party... ice cream Thomas the Train cake! Yum!

Friday, February 3, 2012


It's snowing outside! Finally, we bought some boots for the girls so they could jump around in the snow. They had a blast. These were actually taken a couple of weeks ago, before they were sick but things were pretty hectic so I didn't get around to loading them up.

Both Julia and Jasmine wore the same red jacket during their first winter. Can you tell which one is Jasmine and which is Julia?