Saturday, December 24, 2011

Xmas Party at the Mark's place

We were invited to a potluck dinner at John and Cheryl's place on Christmas eve. We brought our kids so they can all play together. The kids had alot of fun, running around and throwing all the toys around. The kids were pulling all the baskets of toys off the shelves, all over the floor. Poor parents who have to clean up after them... that's me by the way. Oh, and there is this bouncy horse that the kids were jumping on, and they went crazy on it. Too bad I couldn't get a good video of Muimui on it, but here's a pic:

We took the kids home to put them to bed and then returned to the party after. There was a secret santa gift exchange and we ended up with a tea set. No one in our house drinks tea. Oh well. It was a fun party nevertheless. Thanks for having us over.

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