Saturday, December 31, 2011

Aroosha's Birthday Party (video)

We celebrated Aroosha's 1st birthday today at their apartment. We were one of the first few to arrive at the party and had access to the balloon pool first. Jas and Jules loved it. They practically hung out in that corner all night long, of course walking out once in a while to get a drink or bite to eat. But they literally went in the pool, out of the pool , in and out, all night long. They absolutely loved the balloons. Note to self - for the next birthday party we do, make sure we have a pool of balloons!

Happy birthday Aroosha. Hopefully we can play again soon.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mommy's Birthday (video)

A special day for Mommy today, and seeing that my girls LOVE eating cake, we went and bought 2 cakes to celebrate. A chocolate one and a chestnut one. As you can see, both girls were too busy grabbing the cakes that they could not even take a picture with me. Gotta love my angels.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Victoria

We spent Christmas eve with the Wong family and travelled to Victoria to spend Christmas with the Leung family. We managed to catch the 11am ferry without too much trouble (arrived at the terminal an hour early). The kiddies were excited to be travelling and in a good mood. They especially liked the fries and playing on the small playground while on the ferries.

We arrived at Winnnie's place around 2pm and finally met our new nephew, Kyle. He slept most of the time and didn't fuss much, even with people handling him back and forth. What an angel.

Because we are having dinner at Winnie's place and she has a newborn, we decided early on that we will have pre-made food for dinner which Lisa drove over from Vancouver. Dinner was served at 6:30pm and everyone had a fabulous meal together. Even the kids enjoyed sitting around the table (they usually do not sit well). Momo was sitting under the table, enjoying the scraps that Julia dropped on the floor. Haha, just kidding. Momo was actually scared of the kids and tried to stay as far away as possible... The kiddies were chasing him all over the house, under the table, over the couches, from the living room to the kitchen and back around again. There's just no place to hide! HELP, says Momo. Here, you can see Momo trapped in Jas' arms.

As with every year, the family had a great time together, spending time with each other and catching up with all the stories. Thanks Win and YJ for lending us your home for this special occassion. Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Xmas Party at the Mark's place

We were invited to a potluck dinner at John and Cheryl's place on Christmas eve. We brought our kids so they can all play together. The kids had alot of fun, running around and throwing all the toys around. The kids were pulling all the baskets of toys off the shelves, all over the floor. Poor parents who have to clean up after them... that's me by the way. Oh, and there is this bouncy horse that the kids were jumping on, and they went crazy on it. Too bad I couldn't get a good video of Muimui on it, but here's a pic:

We took the kids home to put them to bed and then returned to the party after. There was a secret santa gift exchange and we ended up with a tea set. No one in our house drinks tea. Oh well. It was a fun party nevertheless. Thanks for having us over.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Emma's Birthday

We celebrated Little Emma's 2nd birthday today at Creekside Community Rec Centre. There were tons of kids there. Both Jas and Jules were anticipating this party all day so they were both really excited. This is the first party we've been to that allowed the food area and the play area to be combined in one area.

Because the party started at 2:30pm, we managed to feed the kids before heading to the party. The kids wanted to play anyways which worked out well for us (so the adults could eat and chat). I really like the idea of having the play area where the food is too, so we can watch the kids from across the room, while being able to mingle. Most of the time, it's looking after your child and you don't get to do much else.

Thanks Emma for inviting us to your fun party.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jasmine Daycare Christmas Party (video)

Jasmine has been at daycare for 1.5 months now and for the holidays coming up, the daycare has arranged a potluck dinner. We were surprised to see a show performed by all the little kiddies there. There was story-telling, singing songs, lots of food. Here's a short clip of what we saw that night:

Monday, December 12, 2011

Julia Da Da Da (video)

Julia was in one of her funny, cheery, singing, running around moods today. She was running around and around in circles in the living room, singing Da-da-da Da-da-da, half naked as she wouldn't put on her pants after her shower.

I think I lost some weight just watching her going around and around. Kids have so much energy...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adyson's birthday

We had a fabulous time today, celebrating Adyson's 4th birthday at the Kerrisdale community center. Lunch was served first and then it was crafts time. All the kids made neat crown hats that had their names on it, as well as jewels. Then there was the pull-the-string piniata and finally Adyson cut the her birthday coconut cake. Boy, was that cake good! So yummy.

After all the activities, we got to tire the kids out more at the gym. So many toys: play cars, bouncy horse, slide, hockey, basketball... even the adults got to play! The kids even managed to get a parade going, lining up all the cars and wagons. Pretty cool. Thanks Adyson for a wonderful time!

Friday, December 9, 2011

In Motion Christmas party

Rich's company had a Christmas dinner party this year. This is the first year I was able to attend, as his previous company usually had a Christmas luncheon on a weekday. It was great meeting all his coworkers and chatting with some friends who he used to work with at his other company.

It was a fabulous evening with a dinner buffet, lots of prizes and games (singing and hoola hoops seemed to be big that night) and with a theme of Casino Royale, the company had casino dealers at the party! Everyone received $10k in poker chips to play with and at the end of the night, you used your leftover chips to purchase prizes. Unfortunately both Rich and I didn't have much luck and walked away empty handed.

Thanks In Motion for an awesome night out (no kids, yay!).

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Stacking Paper (video)

We noticed that Julia liked to stack things, with whatever she can get her hands on. Just the other morning, I had to add toilet paper into the washroom cabinet and while I left the toilet paper on the side of my room, Julia came in and grabbed them from me. She then started stacking them up in the kitchen. Too bad she liked knocking them down more than piling them up. I'll need to get a better video of her doing this.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wong Family Portraits

It's been a long time since the Wong family had professional family photos taken. We finally arranged some time for everyone to get together to do this. The photographer spent an hour with us at the Delta Burnaby hotel taking pictures at different spots inside the hotel. We were quite happy with the pictures. I've labeled this posting under "House" as I wasn't sure where to put it.

Here are some of them: