Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Learning Moments

After a couple of recent incidents, I truly believe that kids learn by watching others. Here are some examples:

We turn on the TV using a remote control. The other day when the TV was on, I suddenly decided to turn it off. Then Julia ran over to the couch, grabbed the remote control, pointed it to the TV and started pushing on all the buttons! I was like - what the? She must have learned that from Richard.

(I still remember when Jasmine turned on the TV once, by using the button located on the TV. Except that the TV turned on but not the PVR so when the TV came on, it was a blank black white screen with a LOUD SHEHHSHSSHHEHHSS sound. Jasmnine was so freaked out. From that day onwards, Jasmine never turned on the TV again. Jasmine still gets scared when the TV turns blank).

Another example is after grocery shopping, we were at home putting all the food away. We have this toy grocery cart for them to play with. Julia started pushing the grocery cart around the kitchen and put all the "real" food into the toy cart. How funny. It's amazing how kids follow what the adults do.


Karen said...

Oh it is so true. They copy each other and other kids and adults. Got to watch what you do and say now.
B has already figured out that the remote control does something to the tv. M was never curious about it, but she will copy other kids.

leungv999 said...

So happy they are growing up so fast. B is sooo quick in learning to walk, bet you have to watch him like a hawk!

I'm sure M is a wonderful big sis, teaching B only the good stuff, right?