Saturday, June 25, 2011

Flying a Plane - 5 Year Anniversary

My, how fast time goes by. It is our 5 year anniversay today and we planned (about a month ago) to take flying plane lessons to celebrate. We left both kiddies at home with the inlaws, drove to Surrey and each of us got 30 minutes of lesson time in a small plane.

Richard had a fab time. Other than taking off and landing, he pretty much flew the plane the entire time (so the instructor told me). But me? Um, I`m kinda scared of heights so half way through the lesson, my stomach started churning. I managed to finish the lesson (absolutely beautiful views) but I jumped off the plane as soon as I could. I felt very whoozy. All in all, a great experience and a fun anniversary date! Thanks ah Tweet for always putting up with me. I`m so glad you are here with me now and we`ll have many, many years to spend with each other in the future.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jasmine's First Dentist Trip

We took Jasmine to her first dentist trip today. Since she`s never been there before, we didn`t want to do anything that may frighten her future visits there. The dentist was really nice. She showed Jasmine around, explained what the equipment was used for, let her touch some of the things. Jasmine was comfortable enough to let the dentist brush her teeth! That was an accomplishment.

There wasn`t enough time to do a check up so we had to schedule another appointment. While brushing Jasmine`s teeth, we noticed that one of the tooth on top right of the mouth, there seems to be a cavity or something so we wanted to check it out. When it was time to leave, Jasmine received a goody bag containing a kids tooth brush, a sticker and a toy.

Both Dr. Ng and Jasmine had such an enjoyable tour that a picture was taken and she asked to post their picture onto the dentist website.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Flew off the Couch

Little Julia was having a grand time today, climbing on the couch. Not only did she climb onto the couch, she also learned how to skydive off of it... Poor Muimui. She jumped off the couch and fell face first into the floor.

It happened so quickly. Even though I saw the entire episode, I wasn`t fast enough to catch her. Thank goodness Julia was wearing her mushroom hat and we had the spongy foam mats under the carpet. Julia was uninjured. She had only a small dark bruise on her cheek after.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Early Father's Day

As Father`s day crept closer, we decided to celebrate Father`s day early this year. Every year, we`d go out for dinner at Western Lake, our favorite Chinese restaurant, to celebrate. And because Father`s day is such a popular date, they only offer a set menu that evening. We were not impressed last year. So this year, we decided to have dinner earlier to avoid the mad rush, to get better quality food and to be able to choose which dish we want (no set menu).

The Leung family came over from Victoria that morning and had dinner together with the Wong family. It was a fun 2-family gathering. Too bad Winnie and YJ missed the last ferry that night and ruined the trip for them. All in all, great fun. Happy Father`s Day to the best Daddys` in the world.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wedding - Eug and Lydia, and Auntie V

Today we attended Eugene and Lydia's wedding, which took place at Burnaby Mountain in the Rose Garden. We are so happy for them.

We brought Jasmine and Julia to the ceremony and they were both very well behaved (with the help of some crackers). There were even willing to take some pictures. That by itself is a mighty feat! It was perfect weather, warm and cloudy. So you didn't have to deal with the sun and how the face gets shadows in photos.

After the ceremony, we went with Auntie V and Uncle E from HK to have lunch at Mui Gardens for some noodles and rice. By the time they got home, both kids were konked out in the car so the afternoon nap was cut short, which meant that they'd go to bed earlier that night. Good thing too, because we didn't take them to the dinner banquet.

Congratulations Eug and Lydia!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beef instead of Pork

Unfortunately, Julia's face rash is still, STILL there. It is just unwilling to go away, even with hydrocortizone cream. We decided to swap out the pork and offer beef instead to see if this helps. We've also stopped adding a scoop of formula into her milk bottle (thinking maybe it is the formula causing the rash). Let's see if this changes anything.

Currently Julia is eating only choy sum and beef, yogurt, cheese, and homo milk. Very little variety at this point, but we are determined to track her allergies down.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cockledoodledoo (video)

It's one of those moments when I had to video tape it. Jasmine loves acting like a rooster and croaking the phrase "cockledoodledoo..." and Julia, the tiny follower, tries to imitate it also. Er, um, it's not quite the correct sound, but close enough. She seems so proud when she cockledoodledoos after Jasmine.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Laughing Lynn and Julia (video)

Auntie Lynn came by for a short visit today and she was playing with Julia on the couch while Jasmine was eating lunch. What started out as a giggle, turned into full blown laughter. I love how Julia giggles... too bad the blinds were not cooperating and that tiny slit of light kept on shinig on her face!