Saturday, January 9, 2010

More Maternity Clothes

I had to go run out and buy 3 more pairs of maternity pants today.

I am already in my 33rd week of the pregnancy, for baby#2. I can't believe how fast time went by this time around. I remember when I was carrying Jasmine, we have a photo every month, showing how big my belly was steadily growing. Looking at this pregnacy, I only have 2 pictures of my belly... I guess it is true what they say about the second baby...I'm already neglecting her/him!

To top it off, I'm at the weight I was when I gave birth to Jasmine. I've gained 21lbs so far, which is average. But the pants I had previously are actually feeling tight. So even though there is only 7 weeks left, I had to do some shopping and get pants. Only 3 more weeks of work left before I go on mat leave.

1 comment:

Karen W said...

I totally understand the feeling.
I'm only 14 weeks and look like I'm 22 weeks when I look back at the photos.

And I have yet to take a picture of this one.