Sunday, January 31, 2010

Benji's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Benjamin's 1st birthday this weekend. He just turned one, and although he couldn't run around and play, he was crawling everywhere. He just couldn't be left out of all the fun. We had noodles, rice, cookies and cake. Yum!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Picky Eater...Still?

Jasmine is finally open to trying new foods and is not as picky as before. Here are some healthy foods that she likes to eat:

- apple
- banana
- asian pear
- grapes
- orange
- dried fruit (apricots, cranberries, raisons)
- raw baby carrots
- cheese
- yogurt
- pasta (all types)
- congee
- beef noodle (dim sum)
- rice
- bread
- cereal

Jasmine isn't a veggie fan, but at the least she's willing to eat these things (I don't blame her as I wasn't a veggie when I was young either). I'll see if we can fix that when she is age 7. Of course, her favorite are ice cream and french fries...but these aren't items we serve normally unless she's a good girl.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ginger Vinegar Soup

Just spent 3 hours peeling 10lbs of ginger, so that I can start making the ginger soup tonight. It is customary in the Chinese culture to have this soup after pregnancy. Ginger is the main ingredient and it helps the new mother recover and gain strength.

We bought this big clay pot, 2 huge bottles of vinegar and 10lbs of ginger. In a few more weeks, we'll need to add in pigs feet and eggs as well. My aunt gave me this recipe to make it (I'm putting it down in case I ever forget how to make this):

- 2 large bottles of: 8 real sweet vinegar (bat jun teem choe), HK made (not China made)
- 10lb ginger
- pigs feet
- eggs

1) peel the ginger (keep ginger skin for later)
2) cut ginger into small pieces and smash it flat with large knife
3) pop peeled ginger in oil and fry lightly
4) put popped ginger into the large clay pot and add vinegar
5) slow cook vinegar at minimum heat (2-3 high) for 3 hours until a boil then turn off
6) cook once a week
7) As you get closer to the due date, boil more often like twice a week

After you give birth:
1) boil pigs feet and rinse in cold water, let all blood drain out (chut sui). Add pigs feet to vinegar and soak
2) boil eggs and peel shell. Add peeled eggs to vinegar before you serve. If eggs are soaking in vinegar more than 3 days, eggs become very hard.

For the ginger skin, let it air dry and store away until after birth. You will use the ginger skin to boil water so that you can take bath and wash your hair. You can only use ginger water to cleanse yourself for the one month after giving birth.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

More Maternity Clothes

I had to go run out and buy 3 more pairs of maternity pants today.

I am already in my 33rd week of the pregnancy, for baby#2. I can't believe how fast time went by this time around. I remember when I was carrying Jasmine, we have a photo every month, showing how big my belly was steadily growing. Looking at this pregnacy, I only have 2 pictures of my belly... I guess it is true what they say about the second baby...I'm already neglecting her/him!

To top it off, I'm at the weight I was when I gave birth to Jasmine. I've gained 21lbs so far, which is average. But the pants I had previously are actually feeling tight. So even though there is only 7 weeks left, I had to do some shopping and get pants. Only 3 more weeks of work left before I go on mat leave.