Monday, September 14, 2009

Holiday - Van Dusen Gardens

Richard and I took a week off for vacation and decided to tour our own city. Today we visited the Van Dusen Gardens for the first time. I never knew how large this garden was until today. We spent a good 2 hours there and only walked about half of the garden.

A couple of mentionable details while at this garden:

1) there were a lot of squirrels in the park and Jasmine saw a squirrel jump by, pick up an acorn and put it into its mouth. Then Jasmine went and picked up an acorn on the ground, said "apple" and then proceeded to put the acorn in her mouth. Luckily I saw it as it happened and pulled the acorn away right away.

2) on one of the paved walkways, it was really sloped. The gardeners had left the hose on so the water from the hose was running down the walkway. Jasmine loves water. She realized that if she jumped and stomped in the puddle, the water splashes everywhere! Richard and I walked away, leaving Jasmine stomping in the water...trying to see how long before she notices that we left. We hid behind a bush watching her. We waited and waited and waited.

Ok, after 7 minutes, WE realized that Jasmine is not going to move out of there on her own so we had to literally pick her up and carry her out of there (meanwhile she was kicking and screaming). Her entire pants and socks and shoes were soaked.

It was a fun day regardless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Jasmine was not scared of the squirrel,did she try to catch one?Beeps looked nice in the RCMP picture.I have not been to the Van Dusen Gardens myself.I remember we rode on the choo choo trains at the Duncan Forest Museum for a very long time years ago.I told your mom about Jasmine had her mouth full of grapes and would not swallow it,so she was not able to drink her milk.Mom said Vivian did the same thing when she was a baby.It's strange how Jasmine inherited this habit from Vivian.So I will see you guys a week Saturday!BYE! Dad