Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy Bday Joowa!

It's Muimui's bday celebration today.  She turns 7!  Growing up so fast although she still maintains her baby face.  Since the bday day landed on the weekend and we wanted her class to celebrate with her, I made some fish cake pops to take to school.  We made a few extras just in case and they were all eaten!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Allergy Confirmed

Josh went to the allergist today to test for his nut and cat allergy.  This is what his little arm looked like after 15 minutes...he's allergic to all of them!  The circles represent:

Right top to bottom: almond, peanut, saline (control), histamine (control), cat
Left top to bottom: pistachio, walnut, pecan, hazelnut, cashew

So sad.  We were so happy when he tested negative for nuts when he was 1.5 years old but now, it looks like he is super allergic to all nuts.  He also inherited my allergy to cats.  We will have to do a blood test to confirm.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Happy Birthday little Cousin - Kaitlyn

Little Kaitlyn turned one and she came over to play.  We love it when she comes over because she's so adorable, trying to balance while she walks steadily.  Aunt Vi loves it the most, trying to cuddle her but Kaitlyn makes it clear that she's scared.  Sigh.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Josh - First Day of Preschool

I can't believe it - our littlest baby boo Daidai is heading to his first day of school today.  It's only 2 hours each day on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I'm sure he will have a terrific time.  As expected, as soon as he walked into the classroom, he hung up his backpack and jacket and ran off to sit at one of the tables.  He didn't even look at me when I left the classroom!

I tried very hard to get a good picture of him but he just would not look into the camera, silly boy.  He's so grown up now. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Favorite Glamour

Mui mui wanted to show off her newest and loveliest toy that she adores so much.  It's GLAMOUR, the cute pink kitty!  For whatever reason, little Daidai keeps on stealing it from her so we may have some trouble since we only have 1.