Thursday, December 31, 2015

No Kiddies! Shopping Day.

What?!?  Another bday?  Those dates sure come around fast.  Both Rich and I took a day off and spent the day shopping at the McArthurGlen outlets in Richmond.  Just us.  No kids.  Yay!  We've never been there before so it actually felt like we were on vacation.  

We shopped for 4 hours straight.  We even missed lunch because we didn't want to leave!  We ended up eating at a Beijing restaurant around 3pm for lunch and since we ate so late, we decided to watch an early movie and have dinner afterwards (instead of eating dinner then watching a movie).  

We watched Star Wars: the force awakens, the 6:45pm show.  Lucky we got to the theatre super early because if we got there any later, there would be no shows left!  Pretty much every show that night was sold out already.  Crazy.

We had dinner at the Keg and had a super size prime rib.  It was a fun day, just hanging out together.  It was as if we were still dating... remember those days?  

Monday, December 28, 2015

After Xmas Pics

After the Xmas celebrations, we usually let the kids open the gifts slowly, one-by-one so that it feels like it is Xmas again when they actually get to play with it.  Here are some pics of the kids playing with all the toys they received.  With exception is Daidai where he got to play with all of his new pets at the same time.  Man, he loves those dogs and cats.  Thanks Uncles and Aunties for all of the gifts!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas with Dang Family

Merry Xmas, from the Wong, Dang, Leung and Lin Family.  It was a multi-family celebration this year, which took place at Justin's condo.  Lisa made so much food (shrimpies, roast and ...can't remember) and everyone brought a dish as well.  Alcohol was free-flowing and by the end of the night, I think we went through 6 bottles of wine?  It was terrific!  Thanks Lisa and Justin for hosting this year.  

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas at Sierra

It's the annual Sierra Xmas party today and we were all excited to go.  Last year there was arts and crafts, a magic show and the awesome Santa giving away gifts so the kiddies really wanted to go.  

It was raining so badly that we got there 20 minutes late.  Just in time for us to take off our wet coats, find a seat and then watch the show.  They even ordered new pizza for all the families who arrived late (like 4 other families).  Yummy fresh pizza.  Thank you Sierra!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

School Xmas Concert

We watched the 2 girls participate in their school Xmas concert this year.  Each class prepared a performance of songs, skit or dance.  They both stood in front of an audience of around 100 people without being nervous at all.  I'm so proud of both of them.