Monday, March 23, 2015

19 Months - Josh

Little Josh had his 18-month shots this month (should have been last month but too busy).  The doc looked him over and gave him the thumbs up.  Here are his stats:

Weight - 11kg (24lbs) - 50% percentile
Head - 44cm - 25% percentile
Length - 85cm - 85% percentile

He had one shot this time only and he was so brave, he didn't even cry.  The needle went in and was out before he blinked.  He just stared at his leg.  No reaction whatsoever.  What a good brave daidai!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So Sick...

Really strange.  Even though the Wong household often has sick bugs, I don't usually get hit with them.  Actually, I haven't gotten sick in probably 5 years.  But this past week, I've been hit full force with something.  Chills, 40 deg fever, cough, the whole deal.  It was terrible.  But today, I got the call.  I caught pneumonia!  It's a relief to finally figure out what was wrong but at the same time, makes me wonder how I caught it in the first place.  Hopefully, no one else in the house catches this thing.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Meika's 4.5 years Belated Bday Party

Today we celebrated Meika's 4.5 years birthday party.  It was a princess party so one of the girls was totally ecstatic (Jules) and the other one (Jas), not so much.  All the kids were decked out in princess dresses, crowns, wand, necklace and bracelets.  Even Jas had a blue crown on (her fav color).

There were only 2 boys at the party, and since Josh was too young to play any of the games, he happily ran around in the house, going from room to room.  All the princesses surrounding him didn't phase him one bit.  

One of the games was pin the nose on Olaf.  That was great fun, watching the kids pin the nose on the behind...  and Jas won!  And what did she win?  A summer outfit!  LOL.  Those glasses are a hoot.  (I'll make use of those during halloween I think).  

All in all, the kiddies had a fabulous time. Thanks Meika!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Love this pic.  Should have taken this a long time ago, maybe when Josh was 6 months or something but I guess it's not too late.  This was taken on the kiddies bottom bunk.  It was quite a challenge to fit everyone in but we managed.