Friday, February 27, 2015

18 Months - Josh

Our little Josh is growing up quick!  He really enjoys running around and chasing the girls.  Well, more like Julia chasing Josh and Josh trying to get away.  You often find him sitting on the floor laughing and pointing at black bugs on the ceiling.  (I don't know how he sees them but he always points them out).

He's still not saying much right now, only a few words:  Mama, ball, fa fa (flower).  He is now "admitted" into the infant development program and is being monitored monthly for progress.  I'm really not that worried but I'm happy that he's being checked monthly in case there is something we need to work on.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Gong Hey Fat Choi! Happy New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year!  I can`t believe it was only last year when little Josh was a tiny teeny baby.  And both girls have grown so much in one year.  

Due to ice skating lessons, we missed out seeing the parade in Chinatown.  But we did go to Crystal Mall while Josh was napping and we got lucky, bumped into `Choi Sun - Fortune God`.  Both girls were the last in line to have balloon objects made and they were the last to get a photo op.  We didn't bother with the lai see that they were handing out (has candy inside).  Save the best for last.  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jules 5th Bday!

Happy Birthday dearest Julia!  We celebrated it with a lemon princess cake from Whole Foods after dinner.  This is the first time having this cake and it was good, not that sweet or tart.  Josh could not eat the cake so we picked up a vegan chocolate cake just for him.  He loved it.  

In the pic, we are all in our pjs already.  It is an inlaw tradition to have taken a bath and washed hair before this special dinner starts.  The cake seemed to bring out the opposite side of our pjs; kids did not want to sleep.  After the cake, the kids were practically bouncing off the walls from the sugar high.  Jules was running from room to room and Josh was running around in circles.

Julia's class celebrated her birthday as well so I made butterfly cupcakes for sharing.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Who Needs Toys? (video)

Yay, finally a video.  Josh loves to play with everything and anything inside the house.  Toys?  Some, but he actually has more fun playing with stuff lying around the house.  Take a look: