Saturday, January 26, 2013

Now it's Jas Turn - Sick Again

Julia just got better as of yesterday.  No more fever, no more asthma meds.  Phewf.  But it seems Jas caught something from school and is hacking away with a cold again.  Here we go, another round of asthma meds.

Let's please hope that Julia doesn't re-catch this one from Jas.  She just got better!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It is Daddy Tweet's birthday today.  Didn't do anything special, not even dinner.  We were too tired from the getting-out-of-bed each night when the kids are sick.  Seems never ending.  We'll have to make up for it on our trip to Vegas (hint, hint, hint).  We had yummy birthday cake and called it a night.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Glimpse - Scan of Baby #3

It's finally happening - again.  I've got buns in the oven!  Baby #3 is on the way, due August 2013.

It was really strange this time, as I was so sure that I wasn't pregnant.  During the xmas month, we went to several parties and since I didn't think I was pregnant, I enjoyed myself with many drinks!  And then, my period was late.

The morning that I tested, I was in disbelief.  I jumped on Rich to show him the positive test and he looks at me and says "how come?"   Nice reaction... Daddy.  Anyways, we are all very excited.  Really hoping it'll be a boy this time to complete the Wong family.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Here We Go Again - Kiddies Sick

Unfortunately, the winter is dragging on and on, and the kiddies keep on getting sick.  Jas caught it first, fever and asthma and now Julia has it as well.  We are giving them both meds every 4 hours.  It's going to be a long 2 weeks....

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gavin's Birthday

We went to Gavin's birthday party today in their North Vancouver home.  Their house has a back yard that goes directly into the mountains!  Neat.  I wonder if they see deer or bears at night.  

There were lots of boy toys, finger foods, and a magician!  He sure made all the kids laugh and kept them entertained.  Jas and Julia loved all the toys, as they don't have alot of boy toys at home.  They especially enjoyed the full-size cupcakes (compared to mini-cupcakes).   Thanks for having us over to play.