Thursday, November 22, 2007

Birth of Jasmine

Please welcome our new addition to our family. Jasmine Wong was born on November 2007 and weighed in at 7lbs and 8 ounces. Jasmine is a bright-eyed baby who is growing quickly. She knows what she wants and she definitely wanted to see the world....more details below. Here is a quick snapshot of Jasmine.

Here is a photo of 4 generations of our family (Grandma, Mom, me and Jasmine):

Labor and Delivery:
It all started in the morning of November 2007 when I was sleeping and was suddenly woken up by a strong contraction. That was at 4:51am. After the contraction, I had an urge to use the washroom immediately and the mucous plug came out. The next contraction hit at 5:06am (15 minutes later). The third contract was at 5:16am (10 minutes later).

At that time, I did not realize that I was having real labor contractions. I was walking around in my livingroom, sitting on my yoga ball and trying to get comfortable. The contractions were getting closer and closer together, with more intensity. At 6am, my contractions were 5 minutes apart consistently so I called my doctor (Dr. Donna Yee) who told me to head to St. Paul's Hospital.

It took about 30 minutes to get out of the house (to change and carry out all the bags) and another 25 minutes to get to the hospital. I arrived at St. Pauls at 6:55am. I was admitted right away into the maternity ward and was sent to the assessment room. By that time, my contractions were 3 minutes apart.

In the assessment room, I could not get up to change myself or move onto the bed. One of the nurses immediately wheeled me into a labour room, changed me and put me into a bed. A 10-second check, the nurse informed that I was fully dilated and am ready to push the baby out. Jasmine was delivered around 7:30am, screaming to tell the world that she is here!

In short, labor was better than expected (short and sweet with no medication). Richard and I were happy that labor was over and we were finally able meet our little angel. She is the most adorable baby we've ever seen. Here is our first family photo.